
All I Need - Chapter Two

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Literature Text

I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender or any of its characters.

A Mask and a Mirror

„Come on Jet… we know you’re acting so stop it and tell us that you remember.” Sokka stated.

Jet blinked „I don’t understand what you want from me.” He smiled widely and nodded just to assure them he did not lie.

„Eeh… not again! Jet please! The Smile!” Sokka roared. Jet’s smile faded and he looked towards the others.

„I have never seen you before.” He stated. „But I should do my job now and take you to places… like spas or gardens or the zoo…”

„Or the black market!” Sokka remarked.

Jet sighed as he closed his eyes and said once more „There is no black market in Ba Sing Se.” He opened his eyes and peeked at the water tribe boy „That would be illegal. I’ve already told you that.” And he smiled again…

„Ok, I’ll kill him!” Sokka shouted, grabbed his boomerang and he was ready to jump on Jet when the earth rumbled beneath him and he fell on his face.

„A-a. Not a good idea.” Toph stated and looked at him with her eyebrow up. „You were supposed to be the coming-up-with-ideas guy.”

Sokka moaned and grabbed his nose „I’m jusdt oudt of ideas but ’e makes me Crazy!”

„Believe me Sokka, you don’t need him for that.” Toph smirked. „You’re good enough on your own…”

Sokka’s jaw dropped. He grimaced and turned away his arms crossed over his chest.

„Toph don’t annoy him…” Katara said „I guess listening to Jet for three hours in a row was just enough to everyone. Not just him.”

„All right… but one more thing: actually, he is not lying.” Stated Toph.

The others looked at her again in surprise and finally it was Katara who asked her. „How do you know?”

„Well… with seeing with my feet I can feel if someone’s lying. His heart would beat faster… like Sokka’s.” she smiled again. „You know… that sort of thing… I just know.”

„But if he’s not lying… then what happened with him?” Aang asked slightly bored.

„Maybe he fell on his head and has an amnesia?” Sokka proposed.

„So Jet… what is your last memory before coming here?” Katara asked him her eyes narrowed.

„Before coming to you? I’ve got the orders from one of the guards to come here and be your escort.” He smiled.

„No…” She sighed. „Before coming to Ba Sing Se.” She was the one of the group who found the easiest ways to remain calm in conversations like this but they could see that even she started to get tired of Jet.

Jet blinked twice then smiled „I have never been out of Ba Sing Se. I grew up here and I’ve never left the city.”

„WHAT?!” the three of them shouted and Jet almost fell out of the chair.

„I said I’ve always lived here.” He blinked again.

„And what about your parents?” Katara asked and she began examining his face.

Jet turned his head and narrowed his eyes… „My parents…” his eyes widened for a moment but then he blinked again and all of this disappeared. „I’m an orphan. I never knew my parents.” He looked at Katara sadly.

„No! Jet you had parents!” Katara began with a slight desperation in her voice. She didn’t want to use painful memories on him but perhaps this could help him so she started. „You’ve lost them when you were eight. How can you not remember?” She saw his face stayed emotionless and somehow it hurt her to see him like this. „You’ve said that day changed your life completely and you would never be able to forget it!” Jet raised his eyebrow and shook his head. He had no idea what she was talking about. „And you have not grown up here! You are in Ba Sing Se for the first time!” she said still examining his face. He just gave her a wide smile and corrected her.

„No. I was an orphan and I grew up here.”

Katara bowed her head as she gave up. It’s no use...

„We are heading to the land of nowhere packed with insanity… that’s just great!” Sokka murmured frowning.

„Strange… he is just like he would be under control or something.” Said Toph with a frown. „He truly believes what he has said.”

„And what about your friends Jet?” Aang asked „Smellerbee and Longshot? And the others? Do you remember them?”

Jet chuckled „Smellerbee ha-ha! What a name!” now Aang was crossing his fingers and heaved a sigh…

„What if he was hypnotized?” Sokka asked suddenly.

„What?” Katara and Aang looked at him.

„I said what if he was hypnotized? … You know, when someone makes you sleep and tells you things you will do afterwards… or you’ll remember after. That’s must be it!” he snapped and smiled. „His mind is simply overwritten! We just need him to forget these things and the others will come back!”

The room fell silent.

„But Sokka… how we’re going to do that?” Aang asked. „How will we ’unhypnotize’ him?”

„Well that’s not my part of the things does it? I’m the idea guy, you are the avatar. You should do something with him… you know… avatar stuff.” Sokka stated and turned towards the kitchen „I’m going to eat something so my brain would be of more use later…”

„Right, sure it will be…” Toph smirked then sniffed as she made up her mind. „I’ll go too.”

„Couldn’t you be a bit more precise?” Katara called after his brother „Some avatar stuff doesn’t sound like a real plan Sokka!”

Sokka turned and explained „I’m not into these things Katara… it’s Aang’s part of the job.”

„Snoozeles I’m hungry!” shouted Toph from the kitchen „Would you come and help me here?”

„Right…” Sokka went out of the room too.

The waterbender frowned as she turned towards the avatar. „Now what?”

„Hmm…” Aang scratched his head. „Avatar stuff… sure.” he tried to think how he could affect someone’s mind. Mind… maybe, but just maybe...

Katara watched Jet who seemed rather uncaring with a smile they first saw in this city when they met Judy. To forget everything... even who you are... that must be horrible. She looked at Aang who seemed to be lost in his thoughts but still looked tired. He woke up early to get rid of their original escort. Then when she heard the Blind Bandit’s laugh and her brother’s voice she made a light smile. „It doesn’t matter if you do not know it now… Perhaps we should eat something too… after that maybe…”

„No, I think I almost got it.” Aang said and looked at the freedom fighter. If a body cannot only be damaged physically but through bending abilities – like some poisons worked or like the way Ty Lee fought, then the mind must be separated to two parts too. Mind is something he couldn’t affect, but maybe... the spirit? „I have an idea!” he smiled at the waterbender. He made a short explanation and sighed at the end. „So I think I should take Jet to the spirit world somehow… Could you help me?”

„Of course. What do you want me to do?” she asked curiously.

„Well I think you could bend some water between me and Jet… you know circling or so. But wait for a moment.” He turned to Jet „Can we sit on one of the rugs? That’s more meditating-like…”

„Sure…” Jet answered and followed Aang to the other end of the room. They’ve settled down on a circular rug. Aang lit a candle and put it between them in the centre of the rug.

„Katara could you bend the water circling the candle?”

„Ok. But how long should I do it?” Katara asked and her stomach rumbled. It was well passed lunchtime after all and they skipped breakfast too. „Sorry.” She smiled innocently.

„Hey, what are you doing?” asked Sokka who sat beside his sister and gave her a piece of pie. She smiled and thanked him. Toph sat to her other side and belched. Aang looked at her annoyed. „Sorry. It’s just better out than in.” She smirked. Sokka and Katara chuckled.

„Right!” Aang said. „Now please… we need silence. And Katara I think you should do it until we return. If one of us comes back and the other does not… well, that just wouldn’t be too good.” He turned to Jet. „You ready?”

„I guess.” He said.

Katara began her waterbending… Aang put his hands together and told Jet to do the same. „You should watch the fire and water together. That’ll calm down your senses and you’ll be able to be guided to the spirit world.”

They both looked at the candle… Aang took deep breaths. Nobody moved.

„Where will we go after this?” Jet asked with another wide smile.

Aang grimaced clenched his hands and let out a yelp. „Would you just stay quiet and concentrate?! Take it as an order!”

„Geez… OK…” Jet murmured and turned back to the candle.

Fire… water… their breathing slowed down… finally Jet’s eyes narrowed and closed. In that moment Aang’s arrows and eyes began glowing and his eyes closed too. They’ve passed to the spirit world.


Iroh peeked into his nephew’s room. „What are you doing?”

„Packing.” He stated simply. He already wore his black clothes. Skin of the Blue Spirit.

„I see. And why?”

„I have some work to do…”

„Is it connected to Jet’s friends?” Zuko didn’t answer… „What did they say to you?”

Zuko sighed „They made me help them…”

„That’s good to help others in need.” Iroh said with a gentle smile on his face.

„I didn’t want to go. They made me.” He murmured.

„Perhaps you should have helped them willingly…” he sighed „And how did they make you exactly?”

„I’m just as stupid as you are.” said Zuko grumbling. You firebended for your tea, I firebended for a girl. How could I be so stupid?! „They know we’re firenation…”

„Like Jin?” Iroh asked.

„NO! Like Jet!” Zuko shouted. „And don’t keep talking about Jin! I won’t run after her!” Zuko turned his head away „I’ve heard she’s already with someone else anyway…” he added with a bit hurt tone.

Iroh’s eyebrows rose. „Oh… don’t worry about that.” Iroh said. „Girls just come and go. You’ll see next time.” he smiled.

„I don’t care about what she’s doing.” Zuko murmured. His eyes widened „I’ll see?!” he yelled at his uncle. „I don’t want to see anything! I could have slipped the first time if you hadn’t messed it up for me!” he crossed his arms. „There will Not be a next time.” he stated.

„I see.” said Iroh with a half smile. He looked at his nephew who returned to his pack. You will see… he smiled. Whether you want it or not. He thought for a moment then sighed. „I wanted to tell you something… something important.”

„Not now.” Zuko said. He jumped up and grabbed his bag. „I’m going to be late…” he looked back at his uncle „I won’t be back until tomorrow.”

He was almost out of the room when Iroh called after him „Just be careful, will you?”

Zuko smiled „You know me. I can take care of myself.”

Iroh raised his eyebrow „I just don’t like the sound of that…” he put his hand over his left shoulder and massaged it unconsciously.

Zuko turned from the doorway „I will return in one piece.” His smile faded as he saw his uncle’s hand on his shoulder. He frowned. „Are you going to be all right?” he asked looking at him anxiously.

Iroh realized what he was doing. He removed his hand, sat up straight and gave him a wide smile „Of course. Don’t worry about me nephew… I’m fine.”

Zuko narrowed his eyes and nodded. His uncle didn’t look fine. But that move… He bit his lip. „If you say so…” He paused for a moment hesitating to say something else or not… „I’ll come back.” He said and left his uncle alone with his thoughts.

Iroh looked after him. Old fool… grabbing your arm in front of him! His face darkened. He knows you’re acting. You are not well at all. He stood up and looked around the room sadly. If only we had more time… He slowly went to the door and watched as his nephew’s figure disappeared into the night.

He closed his eyes and sighed. „I’m trying to tell him Lu Ten…” he massaged his shoulder once more. „I’m trying…” he turned back and slowly closed the door. „He just never listens…”


„He’s late…” Smellerbee murmured. „What if he doesn’t come?” she looked at Longshot and even though he didn’t seem to move she nodded lightly. „Ok. If you think so…” She turned back to see whether he’s coming now. „I would never betray someone to those bunches of guys who took away my friend. Firenation or not.” She fell silent and listened to the noises of the streets.

„You didn’t tell him that we blew out the candles.” Longshot said.

Smellerbee turned back to him smiling widely „I guess he doesn’t need to know everything. Don’t you agree?” Longshot nodded. She turned back to the streets and sighed. „He is late…”

After a few moments they heard a cracking sound. They looked through the area but saw nothing. When they turned to the same direction someone has slipped off the roof next to them and landed behind them silently.

„Khmm.” They turned back and saw a figure in dark clothes with a blue and white mask and dual swords. „You are not really cautious. If I would be the bad guy here, you would already be on the ground.” He smirked behind his mask.

„You’re late.” Smellerbee stated. „And what’s the costume for?”

„I wouldn’t become outlaw if I have another choice.”

„Fine. Let’s go, we need to be quick. The tower in this part of the wall will hide us from the wandering guards, and there’s no one near it on the wall…”

„That’s a guard tower.” Zuko said „It’s called guard tower because there are guards in it!” he spat out. „That’s the less guarded part of the wall you’ve said?”

„We watched them, cool down Li. They will play cards inside. They don’t come out, only if someone is changed, but there is no change until midnight. You satisfied?” Smellerbee asked.

Zuko sighed „They play cards. And what?”

Smellerbee began smiling „They light with torches and candles inside and outside the tower. If you would bend some of them at the other side of the tower where we are… You could blow them out from the distance or let something catch on fire. That’s your choice. And we could slip over the other edge of the wall and climb down.”

„If something catches on fire the guards will probably run for water…” Zuko added.

Smellerbee smile faded away „Then you should blow out some torches. Can you do that?”

„Hmm…” His said narrowing his eyes… I’ve never tried that before. His eyebrows rose. Why have I never tried it before? „Maybe…” He said as he turned back towards the wall.

„That was not too convincing.” Smellerbee narrowed her eyes.

„Don’t worry I will find out something once we got there…” Zuko stated.

„Yeah, you’d better do…” Smellerbee murmured.

Longshot nodded to Smellerbee and he got the rope out of his bag. There was a metal hook in it’s end covered with clothes. He whirled the rope and let its end to fly into the air above them… it got over the edge of the wall and it was almost noiseless.

Lucky shot. Zuko thought.

„I guess you should go first.” Smellerbee said. „You will have to trick with flames…”

Zuko nodded and began climbing. Smellerbee and Longshot followed him closely. And perhaps I can’t run away if you’re behind me…


They were in a huge hall that was full of candles, decorations, paintings and columns.

Jet was amazed. He’d never seen such richness in one room. He’d never even seen a room as big as this. „Wow…”

„Yeah, it’s amazing!” Aang said looking in different directions.

„You always… come here when… when you come here?” Jet was too amazed to listen to what he was saying.

„No. Actually not... I always arrive to different parts of the Spirit world. Maybe it’s because I came from different places… or from different situations. It’s like those places would come to me that I need most. But maybe we are here because of you… I’ve never came with someone else before.” Aang scratched his head „Maybe you lead me and not inversely.”

„I don’t think so…” Jet said. „This place is far too huge for me.”

„For me too… all my previous lives could get in here!” Aang smiled. He turned around and realized that they can only see a part of the room. „Well, if we’re in one end of the room, perhaps we should get to the other…”

„Huh?…” Jet looked where Aang did „Oh… let’s check out this room!” he began walking with the avatar next to him.

Aang looked at him. He doesn’t look so zombie-like here… and doesn’t act like that… so Sokka was right. I should do some avatar stuff… He smiled and shook his head. Just concentrate on the matter at hand.

Now they could see the wall opposite to them. There was something in the far corner. Something big and shiny… „What is that?” Aang asked staring at it.

„It’s a mirror.” Said Jet. There was no surprise in his voice… like he knew that he had to find one here.

As they got there, they waited a moment… „You or me first?” Asked Aang, but saw that Jet was already moving towards it.

„I feel like it calls for me.” Jet reached the mirror. He looked at his image that was also not his image at the same time. Strange… He saw himself in the mirror. The same clothes, the same hair, the same weapons… but his expressions… his eyes were clear and dark, his eyebrows raised, his mouth in a half-smile, not like the crazed-wide smile he was wearing. The image was peaceful but he felt a cold sickness creeping in his heart at the sight. Two minds, one soul. His eyes widened as his image raised his hand and reached for him. It was not threatening, but encouraging. He blinked and raised his own hand towards it. As his hand reached the mirror it did not stop but flowed into it and he could grab his own image’s hand. His eyes wide opened „I remember…” he whispered and he stepped into the mirror which now only contained one image of Jet. As Aang looked at him he waved back at him and turned away.

As the image of Jet turned, the mirror darkened. Aang stood before the giant mirror and waited for something to happen… The mirror got alive once more. It didn’t show his own image like it did to Jet. He saw himself from the past… but not only himself… he was playing hide and seek with Kuzon, his friend from the firenation. He remembered that day… he saw him for the last time.

He smiled sadly and looked into the mirror again. Now it only show Kuzon… golden eyes, pale skin, dark hair. He was smiling and waving to him. Aang smiled and raised his hand to wave back when the picture changed again… it was Kuzon and also not Kuzon… his face thinned, he became taller, his almost yellow-gold eyes darkened…

The picture before him was so familiar… he had seen this face before… the image changed again… his hair became shorter… I know you… the image’s eyes shed tears… there was a huge orange light that made the mirror non transparent and then… What the?… the image in the mirror was the same except of a huge burning mark over his left eye. The mirror showed him the face of the fire prince. Zuko.

Aang almost fell from what he saw. He turned away and breathed slowly. What was this about? What did the mirror want from him? To go after somebody who tried to capture him so many times?

He wasn’t angry with him though. He thought it as his only chance… „I suppose you wouldn’t know of fathers being raised by monks…” Zuko’s voice sounded from the mirror. He turned back and watched the mirror closely again.

But it did not stop here. He saw Zuko and his uncle in a room… but they were not alone. „Did you hear me? … You should be happy, excited, grateful. I just gave you great news.” It was the firebender girl who chased them. How strangely cold her sound was… „I’m sure your brother just needs a little time to…” - „Don’t interrupt uncle!” She spat out.

So she is Zuko’s sister… Aang thought. Such a nice family… He raised one eyebrow as he listened on. „Father regrets? He… he wants me back?” Zuko’s voice was sad, thoughtful but believing. Aang frowned. Why do I not like the sound of that?

Another picture came. It was on a ship. Iroh fought with the firenation guards in the background… Zuko stood before his sister „You’ve lied to me!”  He shouted. „Like I have never done that before…” Said the same cold voice. The mirror darkened as Zuko went after her…

Then he could see another picture. It showed him and Zuko. Zuko showed a movement and Aang was copying it. He looked at his uncle who sat near them and nodded to them. „Now let’s try it with fire…” Aang’s eyes widened. Why did I not think about this before? Maybe… if we meet again?

Suddenly the mirror turned back to normal. He could only see his own reflection. Is it over? His image looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Like he wanted to be sure that Aang understood what he had seen. He nodded and realized the room began disappearing around him. His image smiled and waved to him as the mirror faded away with the world that contained it.
The second chapter. What do you think?

Still Zutara, and everyone else... :)


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megamimirocks's avatar
i'm confused when they showed kuzon and the other guy then zuko. what does that mean? ahhhh que confusing!